Henry Baum wrote a review of The Digitally Divided Self on Self-Publishing Review with some interesting considerations about the mind, technology and drugs:
This book begins with blurbs from some very heavy hitters, and some of my favorite writers, on the subject of new media – writers like Douglas Rushkoff and Erik Davis. Erik Davis, in particular, writes on the more-esoteric take on the rise of technology, in books like Techgnosis. It could help to have some familiarity with esoteric spirituality before approaching this book. It would also help to keep a very open mind. The basic premise is that by having our heads lodged in the materialist world of the web and the tech we use to navigate the web, we are becoming increasingly led astray from true human and spiritual connection. If you’re an atheist, you might stop right there – but you shouldn’t. Because the implications of our attachment to the web is a vital subject, even if you’re not particularly spiritual.
If people are being honest, they’ll admit just how dependent on the web they’ve become. People may joke about being Facebook addicts or, in the old days, the Crackberry, but it’s an important issue. I speak from experience. There is something dangerously pleasant about that red “like” or new message on Facebook.