The heart of the binary code

The computer is a tool that reasons and builds the world in a dualistic attitude. In the computer programming languages used to develop software, one of the main logical structures is the “if-then-else” construct that allows decisions to be made based on choices and dualities. The dualistic binary modality of functioning is typical of the rational thinking mind. The computer as an extension of the mind just mirrors the way the thinking mind works. The ego psychology tells us the structures of the mind itself has been born through the first dualistic event, when in childhood the child begins to split pleasurable-good-love-warm-care sensations from unpleasurable-bad-fear-abandonment-hunger ones.

<h1><a xhref="">Binary code world</a></h1>[en]

Everybody knows that computers work with the binary 0-1 code at their core. Even though there are projects to build computers based on neural nets or quantum computers, still none of these have progressed beyond theoretical models. The inner structure of a tool reflects the ways it is used just as the molecular structure of a material reflects the macro features such as weight, texture and resistance.

The computer is a tool that reasons and builds the world in a dualistic attitude. In the computer programming languages used to develop software, one of the main logical structures is the "if-then-else" construct that allows decisions to be made based on choices and dualities.

The dualistic binary modality of functioning is typical of the rational thinking mind. The computer as an extension of the mind just mirrors the way the thinking mind works. The ego psychology tells us the structures of the mind itself has been born through the first dualistic event, when in childhood the child begins to split pleasurable-good-love-warm-care sensations from  unpleasurable-bad-fear-abandonment-hunger ones.


Tutti sanno che i computer operano in base al codice binario 0/1. Esistono progetti per creare computer basati su reti neurali o computer quantici, ma nessuno di essi finora è andato al di là dei modelli teorici. La struttura interna di uno strumento riflette il modo in cui viene usato, così come la struttura molecolare di un materiale ne riflette caratteristiche macroscopiche quali il peso, la tessitura e la resistenza.

Il computer è uno strumento che ragiona e crea il mondo secondo un modello dualista. Nei linguaggi informatici utilizzati per creare il software, una delle principali strutture logiche è il costrutto «if-then-else», che consente di prendere decisioni basate su scelte e dualità.

Il modello binario dualistico è tipico della mente razionale. Il computer, in quanto estensione della mente, non fa che riflettere il modo in cui opera quest’ultima. La psicologia dell’ego ci dice che le strutture della mente si sono formate attraverso il primo evento dualistico, ovvero quando il bambino ha cominciato a distinguere le sensazioni piacevoli (bene, amore, calore, premure) da quelle spiacevoli (male, paura, abbandono, fame).

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