The race toward the digitalization of reality has never slowed down, and it has resulted in a perception of the universe as an information processing system. The digitalization of reality has spread to the biological system and has been accelerated with the DNA sequencing of Human Genome Project.
Then scientists discovered that RNA, previously considered junk, regulates protein production and regulates genetic expression. Sequencing RNA and the classification of proteins will probably require billions of times the computational power needed for the Human Genome Project in 2005.
Biology and physics can express themselves on an informational level as well, but this doesn’t mean that this is the only level where we can understand their nature.
The race toward the digitalization of reality has never slowed down, and it has resulted in a perception of the universe as an information processing system. The digitalization of reality has spread to the biological system and has been accelerated with the DNA sequencing of Human Genome Project.
Then scientists discovered that RNA, previously considered junk, regulates protein production and regulates genetic expression. Sequencing RNA and the classification of proteins will probably require billions of times the computational power needed for the Human Genome Project in 2005.
Biology and physics can express themselves on an informational level as well, but this doesn't mean that this is the only level where we can understand their nature.
La corsa verso la digitalizzazione della realtà non si è mai arrestata e ha creato la percezione dell’universo come di un sistema di elaborazione delle informazioni. La digitalizzazione della realtà ha raggiunto il sistema biologico e ha subito un’accelerazione con la mappatura del DNA tramite il Progetto Genoma Umano.
Quindi gli scienziati hanno scoperto che l’RNA, precedentemente considerato spazzatura, regola la produzione di proteine e l’espressione genetica. Sequenziare l’RNA e classificare le proteine richiederà probabilmente una capacità di calcolo miliardi di volte più grande di quella necessaria per il Progetto Genoma Umano del 2005.
La Biologia e la Fisica possono esprimersi a livello delle informazioni, ma questo non vuol dire che esso sia l’unico livello in cui possiamo comprendere la loro natura.
[/it] Leggi tutto “Biotech as an information system”