Software programming is a meta-activity. It deals with becoming aware of a process in its details, even though it is limited to the area regarding the information flow. Recursive algorithms are a good metaphor for self-reflection.
Once reached a certain level in programming, it is almost inevitable that our attention cannot just focus on the understanding of the computer working mechanisms, but also to the inside of our own mind, investigating the way of thinking itself which allows us to deduce, discriminate, program, and associate things and events.
Software programming is a meta-activity. It deals with becoming aware of a process in its details, even though it is limited to the area regarding the information flow. Recursive algorithms are a good metaphor for self-reflection.
Once reached a certain level in programming, it is almost inevitable that our attention cannot just focus on the understanding of the computer working mechanisms, but also to the inside of our own mind, investigating the way of thinking itself which allows us to deduce, discriminate, program, and associate things and events.
La programmazione software è una meta-attività. Si tratta di prendere consapevolezza di un processo nei suoi particolari, seppur limitato al piano inerente il flusso informativo. Gli algoritmi ricorsivi sono una buona metafora per l’autoriflessione.
Arrivati ad un certo livello nella programmazione, è quasi inevitabile che l’attenzione non si rivolga più solamente alla comprensione dei meccanismi di funzionamento del computer, ma anche all’interno della propria mente, indagando le modalità del pensiero stesso che consentono di inferire, discriminare, programmare e associare cose ed eventi.
Leggi tutto “Programming and self de-programming”