Superego orgasm 2.0

There are many good reasons for saying that orgasms are good. But… Having “ordinary” orgasms seems not to be enough anymore. Clitoral orgasm is just for beginners. G-spot orgasm, trigasm, multiple orgasms and squirting are all musts now for a woman. Men usually don’t have any problem reaching an orgasm so the frontier for them is to become multi-orgasmic; having a 30-minute orgasm or reaching a prostate orgasm. Oh yes and than orgasms should of course be simultaneous.
Orgasms haven’t moved much from the space they always had in our psyche. In the past (and in part nowadays too) they were confined to the controlling superego in the forms of prohibitions, inhibitions and judgments; now they are still in the superego, they just disguised themselves as “have-to”, “the right kind”, “how many”.

There are many good reasons for saying that orgasms are good. But… Having “ordinary” orgasms seems not to be enough anymore. Clitoral orgasm is just for beginners. G-spot orgasm, trigasm, multiple orgasms and squirting are all musts now for a woman. Men usually don’t have any problem reaching an orgasm so the frontier for them is to become multi-orgasmic; having a 30-minute orgasm or reaching a prostate orgasm. Oh yes and than orgasms should of course be simultaneous.
Orgasms haven’t moved much from the space they always had in our psyche. In the past (and in part nowadays too) they were confined to the controlling superego in the forms of prohibitions, inhibitions and judgments; now they are still in the superego, they just disguised themselves as “have-to”, “the right kind”, “how many”.

<h1><a xhref="">Orgasm</a></h1>There are many good reasons for saying that orgasms are good. They feel good. When a person has an orgasm with a partner, they trust the partner enough to release their control for a while and be taken over by an overwhelming energy.

Orgasms make us vulnerable; they show our intensity and we can let the other hear our deepest screams of pleasure. As a man, it’s beautiful to see and feel the shakti energy of a woman as she has an orgasm. Orgasms trigger the release of many hormones, among them oxytocin that induces feelings of love and bonding. They are good for health and circulation; they can start in the body but expands to the soul, or vice versa, representing a holistic experience for the person. Everybody could list more benefits for themselves.

But… Having “ordinary” orgasms seems not to be enough anymore. Clitoral orgasm is just for beginners. G-spot orgasm, trigasm, multiple orgasms and squirting are all musts now for a woman. Men usually don’t have any problem reaching an orgasm so the frontier for them is to become multi-orgasmic; having a 30-minute orgasm or reaching a prostate orgasm. Oh yes and than orgasms should of course be simultaneous.

<h1><a xhref="">Orgasm</a></h1>

Ci sono molte valide ragioni per sostenere che gli orgasmi ci fanno sentire bene. Quando una persona ha un orgasmo con un partner, vuol dire che si fida di quest’ultimo al punto da abbandonare per un certo tempo ogni controllo, lasciandosi possedere da un’energia più grande di lei.

Gli orgasmi ci rendono vulnerabili: mostriamo la nostra profondità e lasciamo che l’altro senta le urla del nostro piacere più intenso. Come uomo, è splendido vedere e percepire l’energia shakti di una donna che ha un orgasmo. Gli orgasmi provocano il rilascio di molti ormoni, tra cui l’ossitocina, che genera sentimenti di amore e unione. Essi fanno bene alla salute e alla circolazione; possono cominciare nel corpo, ma si estendono all’anima (o viceversa). Per l’individuo costituiscono un’esperienza olistica. Chiunque potrebbe fare un elenco di altri benefici personali.

Ma… sembra che gli orgasmi “ordinari” non siano più sufficienti. L’orgasmo clitorideo è per principianti. Gli orgasmi del punto G, gli orgasmi tripli e multipli, gli squirting (le “eiaculazioni” femminili) sono oggi tutti un must per le donne. Gli uomini di solito non hanno problemi a raggiungere un orgasmo, quindi per loro la frontiera è sperimentare orgasmi multipli, avere un orgasmo continuo di trenta minuti o raggiungere l’orgasmo prostatico. Va da sé che gli orgasmi devono essere simultanei. Leggi tutto “Superego orgasm 2.0”

Cool, hot media and gender attraction

Hot media are those media that express an analytical, precise and well-defined message. Most of the visual media, especially the high-definitions one, are hot media. The message conveyed by hot media usually doesn’t need much participation from the audience. For instance a movie is hotter than television since has a higher definition. Other examples of hot media are radio, the photograph, a lecture. However, what do we really do when we complete the message of a cool media? We immerse ourselves in the media and can became almost hypnotized looking for instance at television or reading comics books. Women know well that less is more. Showing a part of their bodies makes the seer activate his imagination to complete the picture (well, in this case completing could mean… completing the removal).

Dali - A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds[en]

During these very hot days in Italy a lightweight article about media and gender relationships. Marshall McLuhan as a media analyst coined the terms hot and cool media.

Hot media are those media that express an analytical, precise and well-defined message. Most of the visual media, especially the high-definitions one, are hot media. The message conveyed by hot media usually doesn't need much participation from the audience. For instance a movie is hotter than television since has a higher definition. Other examples of hot media are radio, the photograph, a lecture.

Cool media are those media that need the participation of the audience. Comic books and cartoons are cool media since the audience has to fill missing details. A seminar is considered a cool media since it requires an active role of the participants.


In questi giorni di gran calura, un articolo leggero sui media e i rapporti uomo donna. Lo studioso dei media Marshall McLuhan ha coniato le espressioni media “caldi” e “freddi”.

I media caldi sono quelli che trasmettono un messaggio analitico, preciso e ben definito. La maggior parte dei media visivi – soprattutto quelli ad alta definizione – sono media caldi. Il messaggio trasmesso dai media caldi di solito non ha bisogno di molta partecipazione da parte del pubblico. Per esempio, un film è più caldo della televisione, perché possiede una definizione più elevata. Altri esempi di media caldi sono la radio, la fotografia, una conferenza.

I media freddi sono quei media per i quali è necessaria la partecipazione del pubblico. I fumetti e i cartoni animati sono media freddi, perché il pubblico deve riempire i dettagli mancanti. Un seminario è considerato un media freddo, perché richiede ai partecipanti un ruolo attivo.

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Downloading our life on Internet

The technological society permeates more and more every part of our life and we are downloading more and more parts of our real life onto the Net. Personal communications, finance, work, news, work, dating, shopping are just few of the activities that have been moved massively to the Net.

Sinapsi frattali[en]

The technological society permeates more and more every part of our life and we are downloading more and more parts of our real life onto the Net. Personal communications, finance, work, news, work, dating, shopping are just few of the activities that have been moved massively to the Net. Those are separate areas of our life where we usually apply different modalities of our mind.

Our attitude is different when we are at work, when we are shopping, when we talk to a friend or when we are communicating with somebody we are attracted to in a sensuous and intimate way. In addition, we usually have different settings for the different range of life activities. As we activate different parts of our mind, our body is involved as well. On the other hand, when we are stuck in front of a screen, our setting is always the same and the dynamic and tactile experience is missing.


La società tecnologica permea sempre più ogni parte della nostra vita, e noi stiamo scaricando come fosse un download sempre più parti della nostra vita reale in Rete. La comunicazione tra le persone, gli affari, le notizie, il lavoro, gli amici, la ricerca di un partner, lo shopping sono solo alcune delle attività che sono state massicciamente trasferite in Rete. Si tratta di aeree distinte della nostra vita che solitamente richiedono l’attivazione della nostra mente in modalità diverse.

Il nostro atteggiamento cambia a seconda che siamo al lavoro, facciamo shopping, parliamo con un amico o comunichiamo con qualcuno che ci attrae sentimentalmente o sessualmente. Di solito, abbiamo diversi ambienti e situazioni esterne per i diversi tipi di attività. E non solo attiviamo aree diverse della mente, ma anche il corpo ne viene coinvolto. Invece, quando siamo fermi di fronte a uno schermo, il nostro ambiente esteriore è sempre lo stesso e mancano le dimensioni dinamica e tattile. [/it] Leggi tutto “Downloading our life on Internet”

My friend got a “minditis”

Everybody gets some inflammation in his or her body. Sinusitis is quite common, as are bronchitis, tendinitis and other “i’ itis’s”. Nevertheless, when the mind is involved, this is considered a special case.

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Everybody gets some inflammation in his or her body. Sinusitis is quite common, as are bronchitis, tendinitis and other “i’ itis’s”. External attacks, as a sudden change of weather, bad food, carelessness, stress or too much effort, can trigger some unbalance in our bodies. Human beings are not perfect. If the inflammation episode does not repeat itself often and it does not become chronic, in most of the cases it will resolve itself spontaneously after few days. No need for special cares but occasionally, some natural treatments or chemical support might be necessary. However, once the symptoms are gone, we can stop the treatment and we use the experience to learn how to take better care of our bodies. Of course, nobody would take painkillers or antibiotics for a year after a complaint is already over.

Nevertheless, when the mind is involved, this is considered a special case. I have a friend in her early 40s, a teacher at university, who is a brilliant and emotionally alive woman. Almost one year ago, she experienced an acute mental episode triggered by a problematic relationship with her lover.

Tutti sviluppiamo infiammazioni del corpo. La sinusite è abbastanza comune, così come la bronchite, la tendinite e altre “iti”. Le aggressioni esterne – per esempio: un improvviso mutamento climatico, cibo scadente, mancanza di cura personale, stress o sforzo eccessivi – possono provocare squilibri nel corpo. Gli esseri umani non sono perfetti. Se l’infiammazione non si ripete spesso e non diventa cronica, nella maggior parte dei casi sparirà da sé dopo pochi giorni. Non occorrono cure speciali anche se, di tanto in tanto, può essere necessario fare ricorso a trattamenti chimici o naturali.

Tuttavia, una volta spariti i sintomi, possiamo abbandonare la cura e usare l’esperienza per imparare a prenderci meglio cura del nostro corpo. Naturalmente, dopo la scomparsa della malattia, nessuno continuerebbe ad assumere antidolorifici o antibiotici per un anno intero. Ma quando si tratta della mente, il discorso cambia. Una mia amica – professoressa universitaria poco oltre la quarantina – è una donna brillante e molto viva dal punto di vista emotivo. Quasi un anno fa, ebbe una grave crisi psichica provocata dalle difficoltà nei rapporti con il partner.
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Eros and the sexualization of society

Eros was the ancient Greek God of lust and desire. Eros is an essential part of human life that has been redirected and often repressed by religions and societies. Our present-day society is probably more permeated by sexual messages than any other ages in our history and the trend is just on the rise, but Eros is yawning.

Eros statue[en]

Eros was the ancient Greek God of lust and desire. Eros is an essential part of the human experiences that has been redirected and often repressed by religions and societies. Our present-day society is probably more permeated by sexual messages than any other ages in our history and the trend is just on the rise, but Eros is yawning.


Eros è il Dio greco della lussuria e del desiderio. Eros è una parte essenziale dell'esperienza umana che è stata deviata e spesso repressa dalle religioni e dalle società. La società dei nostri giorni probabilmente è permeata da messaggi sessuali come nessun'altra epoca nella storia e la tendenza è in espansione, ma Eros… sbadiglia.

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