Porn 2.0

The liberation to be internally free in having sex the way we feel like or to be free not to have it doesn’t come by merely acting out or by repressing the actual act, but by the level of awareness that we are willing to give our sexual needs, be them indulgence or asceticism.

With the pervasivity of porn we got desensitized towards sexual images and their relationship with our soul. In this overwhelming input towards sex in society, a certain kind of independent porn could paradoxically reveal the vulnerable, human side and the connection with introspection.

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The liberation to be internally free in having sex the way we feel like or to be free not to have it doesn’t come by merely acting out or by repressing the actual act, but by the level of awareness that we are willing to give our sexual needs, be them indulgence or asceticism.

With the pervasivity of porn we got desensitized towards sexual images and their relationship with our soul.  In this overwhelming input towards sex in society, a certain kind of independent porn could paradoxically reveal the vulnerable, human side and the connection with introspection.

La libertà interiore di fare sesso nel modo che vogliamo, oppure di non farlo, non dipende dalla semplice espressione o repressione dell’atto sessuale in sé, ma dal livello di consapevolezza che desideriamo portare ai nostri bisogni sessuali, siano essi l’indulgenza o l’ascetismo.

Con il dilagare della pornografia ci siamo assuefatti alle immagini sessuali e al loro rapporto con la nostra anima. In mezzo a questo sovraccarico di input sessuali nella società, un certo genere di pornografia indipendente potrebbe paradossalmente rivelare un lato umano e vulnerabile, e un legame con l’introspezione.


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Ideologies that strengthen themselves

The attachments to theories, points of view and dogmas are used to satisfy our need of certainty and to escape confrontation with the void. Often I ask myself how ideologies and dogmas can stand the test of time even though they are so often full of holes. I noticed that among the various mechanisms commonly used, ideologies tend to implement auto-referential processes to defend themselves from criticisms, whereas the criticisms themselves strengthen the ideologies. Strengthen today, strengthen tomorrow, and the day after that fundamentalisms are born.

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The attachments to theories, points of view and dogmas are used to satisfy our need of certainty and to escape confrontation with the void. Often I ask myself how ideologies and dogmas can stand the test of time even though they are so often full of holes.

I noticed that among the various mechanisms commonly used, ideologies tend to implement auto-referential processes to defend themselves from criticisms, whereas the criticisms themselves strengthen the ideologies.

Strengthen today, strengthen tomorrow, and the day after that fundamentalisms are born.


Gli attaccamenti a teorie, punti di vista e dogmi vengono usati per soddisfare il nostro bisogno di certezza e per non sentire il vuoto. Mi sono chiesto spesso come facciano le ideologie e i dogmi a resistere nel tempo nonostante spesso facciano buchi da tutte la parti.

Ho notato che tra i vari meccanismi utilizzati, le ideologie tendono ad implementare dei processi autoreferenziali per difendersi dalle critiche, dove le critiche stesse rafforzano l'ideologia.

Rafforza oggi rafforza domani, si creano i fondamentalismi.


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