Ideologies that strengthen themselves

The attachments to theories, points of view and dogmas are used to satisfy our need of certainty and to escape confrontation with the void. Often I ask myself how ideologies and dogmas can stand the test of time even though they are so often full of holes. I noticed that among the various mechanisms commonly used, ideologies tend to implement auto-referential processes to defend themselves from criticisms, whereas the criticisms themselves strengthen the ideologies. Strengthen today, strengthen tomorrow, and the day after that fundamentalisms are born.

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The attachments to theories, points of view and dogmas are used to satisfy our need of certainty and to escape confrontation with the void. Often I ask myself how ideologies and dogmas can stand the test of time even though they are so often full of holes.

I noticed that among the various mechanisms commonly used, ideologies tend to implement auto-referential processes to defend themselves from criticisms, whereas the criticisms themselves strengthen the ideologies.

Strengthen today, strengthen tomorrow, and the day after that fundamentalisms are born.


Gli attaccamenti a teorie, punti di vista e dogmi vengono usati per soddisfare il nostro bisogno di certezza e per non sentire il vuoto. Mi sono chiesto spesso come facciano le ideologie e i dogmi a resistere nel tempo nonostante spesso facciano buchi da tutte la parti.

Ho notato che tra i vari meccanismi utilizzati, le ideologie tendono ad implementare dei processi autoreferenziali per difendersi dalle critiche, dove le critiche stesse rafforzano l'ideologia.

Rafforza oggi rafforza domani, si creano i fondamentalismi.


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